The Cycle of Futility—Lessons Still Not Learned (updated 2024/06/27)

The Cycles of the Book of Judges

Read the Book of Judges in one sitting. You learn a quick route to misery, but will we learn how to avoid it?

Judges 2:10 That entire generation passed away; a new generation grew up that had not personally experienced the LORD’s presence or seen what he had done for Israel. (New English Translation unless noted) 

Judges 2:11-19 The Israelites did evil before the LORD… They followed other gods—the gods of the nations who lived around them.

The LORD was furious with Israel and handed them over… to their enemies who lived around them…They suffered greatly.

The LORD raised up leaders who delivered them from these robbers… When a leader died, the next generation would again act more wickedly than the previous one.

The 'Cycle' of grief in brief:

‍    1.    People ignored God's directives

‍    2.    Their life became miserable and oppressed

‍    3.    They cried out to God for help

‍    4.    He provided a leader who drew them back into obedience

‍    5.    Peace and prosperity returned

‍    6.    That leader died

‍    7.    Return to number 1

Judges 3:7-11 The Israelites did evil in the LORD’s sight. They forgot the LORD their God and worshiped the Baals and the Asherahs. 

The LORD was furious with Israel and turned them over to King Cushan Rishathaim of Armon Haraim. They were Cushan Rishathaim’s subjects for eight years. 

When the Israelites cried out for help to the LORD, he raised up a deliverer for the Israelites who rescued them. His name was Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother. The LORD’s Spirit empowered him and he led Israel. When he went to do battle, the LORD handed over to him King Cushan Rishathaim of Armon and he overpowered him. 

The land had rest for forty years; then Othniel son of Kenaz died.

Return to number 1

Will we ever learn? Will we see patterns of adversity or hardship as we depart from God’s directives to act as we think or what society tells us is right?

The book of Judges is summarized in the last verse, "everyone did what was right in his own eyes." 

For Christians today, the "Cycle of Grief" above is different because our Step 6 leader doesn't die; we just ignore Him and His directives.

We do well to resolve to obey God. He wants peace, prosperity, and joy for us, and he has instructed us in the ways and means of making that a reality (see The Potter's Right). 

We just need to do it. 


©2023, Dr Steven Bydeley, a man.

All publishing rights reserved. Permission is herewith granted to reprint this article for personal use and to link or refer to it; however, no commercial re-publishing of the material in this article is permitted without prior written consent.

Steven is the author of Fathered by God and, with his wife Dianne, co-author of Dream Dreams and Dreams that Heal and Counsel. They have been guests on the Miracle Channel, Trinity Television, and Crossroads Communication and have taught various topics internationally.

Without Prejudice. © 2024, Steven., house of bij de Leij., of man.



The Cycle of Judges

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